What is SAP?
The ability of disposable diapers to absorb moisture and prevent it from leaking out is due to the effect of “super-absorbent polymer (SAP)” which is also called as “high absorbent polymer”.
How much SAP is in a diaper?
Disposable baby diapers increased in popularity with the introduction of superabsorbent polymers. Superabsorbent polymers in baby diapers absorb about 30 times their weight in urine.The polymer starts as a powder and it swells into gel form when it encounters moisture. The moisture cannot be squeezed out of this gel, which makes it efficient for use in diapers as a baby can sit on it and even sleep for hours in a wet diaper.
Early diapers contained SAP just one to two grams of the material, but this number has increased to 15-16 grams per diaper as the amount of fluff pulp has diminished and some modern diapers have almost no fluff pulp at all.
The development of SAP core diaper